Fat and Sassy

my views on being larger than life.

Science roundup wed February 17, 2010

Found some interesting articles…none really need much commentary, so ill do a blurb and a link today:

Diabetes and impluse control.

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100210194404.htm – Apparently people with type 2 diabetes have poor impulse control.  I have a few issues with it…..first there ws only about 37 folks studied, hardly a “diverse” or representative group….secondly, the study, being done in Japan, had a very narrow (Asian) test group.  I disagree with the methodology in this study (testing whether I push a button or not has very little to do with when i will eat a cupcake) But it is an interesting point, and the article seems careful to not called people lazy or stupid or lacking willpower.   Choice quote: “This suggests the possibility that the neuropsychological deficits in response inhibition may contribute to the behavioral problems leading to chronic lifestyle-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes” 

PCOS and fatty tissue

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100202101253.htm  the headline reads “Fat Behaves Differently in Patients With Polycistic Ovary Syndrome”…and what they find is “Fat tissue in women with polycystic ovary syndrome produces an inadequate amount of the hormone that regulates how fats and glucose are processed, promoting increased insulin resistance and inflammation, glucose intolerance, and greater risk of diabetes and heart disease, according to a study conducted at the Center for Androgen-Related Research and Discovery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.”    In other words, PCOS patients don’t produce enough of the stuff that reduces inflammation (according to MEME Roth one of the “causes” of overfatness) AND the same hormone regulates insulin.   Insulin, you will remember regulates sugar processing.   researchers DID find that the fat tissue acted the same for fat and skinny PCOS patients, so for once this is NOT getting blamed on fatty fatty 2×4.

(Weight loss) drugs are bad…..mmmkaaaay?

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100212/hl_nm/us_hydroxycut_liver  We all remember hydroxcut….pretty fat model gets to be hot/crazy/but SKINNY model.  It was pulled from the market a while ago amid liver damage allegations.   “Looking at factors like patients’ risk factors for liver disease and the timing of their Hydroxycut use, the researchers found that for eight of the liver-damage cases, there was a greater than 95 percent likelihood that the weight-loss aid was to blame.”   and this is out of 18 NEW cases that thee FDA never heard about.    Personally I don’t belive in weight loss drugs…they are either outright fakes, bad speed, or huge dose of diuretics or laxatives….most if not all are untested on humans or can’t stand up to the trials of the FDA approval process.  IF a weight loss pill worked, do you really think BIg Pharma and the medical industry in general would REALLY not make a buck off it?   they would slap millions in front of the inventor and suck up that patent lickety split.



yet more proof that being fat is good for you. – quick hit January 28, 2010

Ok I know we’ve seen this with other studies but who believes Canadians (just kidding) . once again fat people (especially the over 70 crowd)  live 10 years longer.   the study was carried out with 9,200 aussies over 10 years.  those with an overweight bmi lived 13% longer.    they also found that being sedentary, regardless of weight, doubled the risk of death for woman and raised it by 1/4 for men.  yea we know that is why HAES is good for you….and shows, once again diets don’t work.  ” According to the study authors, it may be time to reevaluate the system that determines who is overweight and obese.”
